Saturday, February 22, 2014

What a silly billy word....

Once again you loved someone…with all your heart and would have done anything just to make them smile...ANYTHING... you were crazier than ever but had never felt this sane all your life... you were not supposed to but you made all the plans of your future with them…In your mind…They were pretty plans...Loaded with pure bliss, coated with romance and stuffed with laughter…you didn't tell any of this to just wished... wished if for yourself...for the very first time.... you were no more a kid now...but you still feel your stomach churn when they smiled... you went to every extra mile there is to show them you care...and they least you wished so... you made those big gestures because that's all you know since ever...they seemed to see this all...they seemed to admire...then one fine day, all of a sudden you come to know they are not your’s...they'll never be...they are taken...already... they have in their lives, people they would go that extra mile for...and thus its over again....and you wish you could cry...but you can’ wish you could hit someone so hard that your pain lessens a little...but you wouldn't... you would sit again, accusing yourself for caring, believing and falling…again... you would wish you wouldn't have done any of those small stupid yet adorable-in-your-head things... you wish you wouldn't have shown you wish all of it was a dream....especially the part when you loved someone…again....
Moulshree Kulkarni

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